At Morning Glory Behavioral Health, confidentiality and comprehensiveness is key to our mission statement. Our group members feel a sense of unity, safety and no judgement. They experience a deeper, more genuine recovery.
Group, family, and individual based sessions in person and via telephone / video where clinicians and trained professionals meet with clients to help them learn methods and interventions for successfully helping themselves. Some counseling interventions that may be used include but are not limited to the following: cognitive-behavioral therapy; anger management; mental illness chemical addiction group sessions; stress management; and relationship building. As a result of these counseling interventions, clients become empowered so they can resolve personal conflicts and effectively cope with their emotional problems.
Case Management
Interventions where trained professionals develop individualized plans for dealing with daily situations. Some interventions may include helping individuals obtain insurance/disability benefits, become placed in cost-effective housing, access self-help services, increase knowledge of community resources, and receive needed food, clothing, or medication. Other case management services may help individuals improve relationships with family, friends, or members in the community such as landlords.
All clients receive an individual, comprehensive psychiatric evaluation by a licensed psychiatrist. In this assessment, the licensed psychiatrist evaluates each individual’s mental, social, and psychological functioning and then works with the individual and his or her treatment team to develop a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan. Based on the individual client’s presenting problems, the psychiatrist may prescribe medications along with counseling interventions to help the individual begin their path to successful recovery.
Prevocational services are an array of strategies and interventions that assist in acquiring general work behaviors, attitudes and skills in response to the interests and needs of consumers who are thinking about and/or intending to take on the role of the worker and which may be used in other life domains.
Social & Recreation
Activities designed to assist a consumer to identify, achieve and retain personally meaningful goals over time which helps the person resume normal functioning in valued life roles and self-chosen community environments. In these activities, clients develop needed skills for participating in consumer-chosen community environments, for facilitating consumer-directed recovery, and for re-integrating into valued community living, learning, working and social roles.
Clinical education that provides factual information, recovery practices, and evidence-based models pertaining to one’s behavioral health diagnosis. The focus on this therapy is to provide individuals with hope and motivation so they can achieve a successful recovery.
We also work with IDRC & SAI Initiatives, and assist clients with Suboxone treatment.
At Havens at Morning Glory we can help you get sober and guide you through a medically supervised recovery. Our New Jersey addiction recovery program uses a variety of therapeutic techniques and programs to set our clients up for success when it comes to getting clean.
In addition, our professional and caring staff offers consultation services to clients, providing addiction education services, and local community training services. We focus on supporting our clients in identifying what they need to cope with in addressing their addiction and then to develop the tools necessary to navigate the daily challenges they will face. Our goal is to treat every client with dignity, compassion, and respect.
645 Neptune Blvd, Neptune, NJ, 07753
Email: ikaufman@mgbhpc.com | Phone: (732) 918-9905 | Fax: (732) 918-9907